So call me old fashioned...no really I don't mind. I actually prefer it. I'm a wholesome girl born and raised on the south side of Chicago. I grew up in a single parent home. My Mother raised me with good strong Christian values. I went to private school and just was not into the things that most girls in my generation were into growing up. My Mother never brought men home, she modeled the behavior of a God Fearing LADY in front of me.
As I grew and became interested in boys, My Mom talked to me folks. She explained to me what "courting" is and laid out the "do's and don'ts" of dating. She really helped me to understand my worth as a woman. As a result of this coupled with life experiences, I've developed my own set of dating standards. There are certain things that I desire and things that I will absolutely not tolerate. I provided this back story to help you understand what is fueling the burning question I have to pose to you now. "What in the heck is going on with the dating system in our society?" (For real...For serious)
Since when did it become okay for men to not even TRY to date/court you? Let's examine the definition of dating here for a second.
See no.4 people? "To go out on usually romantic dates". Merriam Webster says a date means going out.
So now back to the questions at hand: What the fux up with dating in our society? I meet men, and as soon as they find out I live alone they invite themselves over to my place (unsuccessfully I might add). But just the audacity alone is bugging me out folks. I've had some heated debates with men about this. I had to seriously analyze this situation and here's what I cam up with:
I feel that if we start thinking and applying a few common sense factors to our dating process, we'll all be much happier in the long run. I've decided that the cobweb club is precisely what I need to clear my head and command the type of attention from the sort of man that I desire to have in my life. Does it get lonely sometimes? Hell yes...but I can not settle, I've done it before and the pain of gambling with your body and your heart is not worth it. I'd rather wait for Mr. Wonderful...'cause I truly believe he's out there and I'm so ready to be his Mrs. Wonderful.
Think about it....don't talk about it...and be about it. Yes you can! Yes we can do better!
As I grew and became interested in boys, My Mom talked to me folks. She explained to me what "courting" is and laid out the "do's and don'ts" of dating. She really helped me to understand my worth as a woman. As a result of this coupled with life experiences, I've developed my own set of dating standards. There are certain things that I desire and things that I will absolutely not tolerate. I provided this back story to help you understand what is fueling the burning question I have to pose to you now. "What in the heck is going on with the dating system in our society?" (For real...For serious)
Since when did it become okay for men to not even TRY to date/court you? Let's examine the definition of dating here for a second.
- Main Entry:3date
- Function:verb
- Inflected Form(s):dat·ed; dat·ingDate:
- 15th century
See no.4 people? "To go out on usually romantic dates". Merriam Webster says a date means going out.
So now back to the questions at hand: What the fux up with dating in our society? I meet men, and as soon as they find out I live alone they invite themselves over to my place (unsuccessfully I might add). But just the audacity alone is bugging me out folks. I've had some heated debates with men about this. I had to seriously analyze this situation and here's what I cam up with:
- Some Men have not been taught how to properly date/court a woman. So they don't understand the concept.
- Some Women have not been taught to command respect from men. Therefore, they settle for less than ideal dating circumstances.
- hanging in the balance are desperate women who are unaware of their self worth and the men who have been spoiled/ruined by them. (Both equally responsible for this poor state of affairs)
I feel that if we start thinking and applying a few common sense factors to our dating process, we'll all be much happier in the long run. I've decided that the cobweb club is precisely what I need to clear my head and command the type of attention from the sort of man that I desire to have in my life. Does it get lonely sometimes? Hell yes...but I can not settle, I've done it before and the pain of gambling with your body and your heart is not worth it. I'd rather wait for Mr. Wonderful...'cause I truly believe he's out there and I'm so ready to be his Mrs. Wonderful.
Think about it....don't talk about it...and be about it. Yes you can! Yes we can do better!
Trying to get it sorted out in my own head that chivalry IS NOT dead. Wondering what happened to all the romantics!? They can't be extinct!! Remiss to be part of the cobweb club, so I slip up every now and then and go for what I know. Now that I'm a lil' wiser/older, realize that what I know for sure at this present time in my life is that: Dating is real & prevalent if you want to see me more than once. My CW Club status is precious and dear to me (it's like an inner game I play with self to see just how lonnngggg I can hold out). Finally, I have no tolerance for those types as profiled in VA's blog. Keep yo B****Azz away from me.
ReplyDeleteI think the problem with these young Thundercats is that they don't know any better than to treat women like that. Unfortunately with role models like Weezy, Gucci, and even the cherubic Drake, with his "Take that D" and "I wish I could [copulate with] every girl in the world", is itany wonder that these young women have NO concept of how to approach a woman.
ReplyDeleteThe one piece of poetic justice in this situation is that when you talk to women in this way, the ones you get back, are usually of the same ilk. You don't catch catfish and lobster with the same bait. Similarly, you don't catch hoodrats and strong sistas with the same game.
If you don't hear what I am saying, please listen to "Step It Up" by Little Brother. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxRf9gbsjDI
In the words of the great Martin Payne, "I'm the love doctor! Get on out of here!"
I know i'm late but I hope you don't mind me adding my 2¢. I think most men don't go out looking for a mate. Rather, someone to mate with. When they meet someone who is interested in dating versus casual sex they have to adjust their expectations. Casual sex doesn't require listening to or appreciating a person. Dating, requires much more. So if/when a man approaches you, the first question on your mind should be, "What do I want?" If you're looking for casual sex, then act accordingly. On the other hand if you're looking for a potential relationship then you know what to avoid. Once you know what you want, then it's much easier to decide if the person approaching you is worthy of your time. Time is the only thing in a lifetime you cannot regain. Keep improving yourself and whoever the right man is, when he get's there you'll be ready for him. As Kanye put it, "It's 1,000 of you there's only 1 of me." We should all have that attitude.