I was channel surfing today, not to be confused with swag surfing. (ha!) I came across a television special on PBS dealing with women and self perception based on societal standards. The topics of concern included but we
re not limited to body image. The moderator was an African-American woman. She admittedly was shocked to find that the same color complex and body image issues that plague our community are hunting women in other ethnic groups.

She had a series of panels that included contributions from women of diverse ethnic groups, physical stature and social economic backgrounds. The women were very transparent and open about these issues with body image and skin tone etc. These are issues that we all at some point more often than not..THINK about in grave detail yet don't discuss. Furthermore, these insecurities are not limited to being a "woman thing". Men deal with these exact same issues. As a woman of color and now in my post high school athlete physical shape, I know how social beauty standards can leave one left feeling rejection on some level.
My Mother said to me years ago: "Attitude is a little thing that can make a big difference." I often apply this sentiment in several different areas of my life. I've been thin before, I know what that's like. But, this fuller figure that I now own has required some major adjustments in my attitude. See I've found that I don't have a problem with my size, other people do. We've been conditioned to think that thin correlates to pretty. I decline this silly notion. I am just as beautiful now as I was 50 lbs ago. I travel as much as I can afford to, anyone who knows me knows that. I've found that I get more attention from men in other cities and NO not just down south. So is size discrimination a Midwest thing?
To me, this is no different from being teased about my dark skin tone as a child. Now everyone loves chocolate right? I say all this in an effort to encourage everyone of every walk of life no matter your skin tone or size to embrace the package you're in.
I've blogged on this issue before and I'd like to share my thoughts again here.
I decided to re-post an amended version of a blog entry from myspace below.
circa November 2008
So...erm....here's the deal. I'm a healthy girl...kinda plus right? I'm cute...I am a fashionista...and I carry my weight well on my frame. So...what's EVERYONE's problem with me and my size? Ok...no not everyone...just the silly folks here in Chicago.
I get absolutely nothing but LOVE in other cities. I mean they friggin adore me...men and women alike are always complimenting me when I travel. So why can't I get that kind of acceptance in my own city? It's ludicrous! I'm tired of going places here and folks have the audacity to refer to me as a big girl. WTF! I am not obese....and stop projecting YOUR discomfort with body images onto me.
I am happy and I feel just fine. I love my body....I love my wardrobe and am excited with the new options in fashion that allow me to express myself. The fashion industry finally realized that everyone can't be a size 4 and that the plus sized market is in fact a viable one. I just wish folks here would stop measuring one's beauty by the size of their waste.
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