I was shocked to see that Sarah Palin announced her resignation from the office of Governor for the state of Alaska. But the burning question is Why? Furthermore, why now? Again my Mother dropped some insight on the situation that I feel is right on point.
My Mommy said: "Sarah Palin's timing with her announcement was designed to catapult herself back into the spotlight". Well the world is now glued to all the news networks for updates on the details surrounding the death of Michael Jackson. Most Palin supporters could care less about this, so their looking for something else that they deem "news worthy". What better than speculation over Alaska's Governor abruptly resigning from office?
I think this is just another selfish and despicable ploy by this woman for self promotion. She can never run for any other office again. She single handedly cost the Republican party the 2008 Presidential election. (Thanks Sarah, I appreciate it....Go Obama) Shame on the Republicans for trying to pull a fast one on the American people. It takes more than a quasi attractive woman with excessive "blond moment" antics to impress the majority of voters.The powers that be, or the puppeteers that were trying unsuccessfully to groom her into a viable asset to the G.O.P. probably finally reached their limit with her idiotic antics.
Without continued support and backing of her political party, she was only left to seek her own path of survival. I bet dollars to doughnuts this woman has already negotiated book deals, possibly reality show appearances and more. This is not the last we'll see of former Governor Sarah Palin. While she's not politically savvy, the woman does have business sense. I'll give her credit for this..alone. I'm disgusted by her generally,but I admire anyone that can discern when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. Unfortunately, for all of us who were hoping that Sarah Palin would crawl under a rock and not come out....she's gonna be around stealing media attention by any means necessary for quite some time. (*gag*)
God bless the state of Alaska, I think it's citizens will be much better with out the circus act known as Sarah Palin.